Assembling the Bureau and
Awkward Painful Beginnings..
Emerald's Birthday - Wedding Dances and Freebird!
It officially begins...
Chocolate Cake and BACON! Kat kicks ass - BBB Rampage - Champions Once Again - Puppets!
Rough Mornings Means More Bacon! - BBB Greets - Miss Flipside - The Brain Train Rain - The Surreal Dawn of Puppet Karaoke
Camp Shit's All Broke - Lounging and Coconuts - Gunther's Search for Identity - Storm's a-Comin' - CLOUDS! - Rocket Burns and Fuckos Take to the Night - The Return of Tradge - Ride the Rocket - Puppet Karaoke Will Always Be Our Home and the Long Walk Back
Bureau Disassembly, Exodus and Then There Were Three
FLIPSIDES PAST - 2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004