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6457569-R1-S03 6457569-R1-T02
So in keeping with our litany
of thievery, we decide to steal
the trampoline and take it back
to camp.

Ok, this seemed like a good idea at the time.
Gee, wouldn't it be cool if we all just slept on the trampoline all night?
Most gave up after about an hour.
But not me... no way.
I was gonna ride this pony into the sunrise.

Oh, yeah...the sunrise.
In 2 hours we'll be out here
covered in dew and that thing will kick us in the eyes...

Well, tough shit...I'm stayin anyway.
Stupid sun...

So we stayed.
But it's about this time of not-night not-morning that all the weirdness begins to ensue. Just before dawn the hippie in the camp across from us thinks it's a bright idea to start playing trance. He then proceeds to ritualistically give thanks for the earth, sun and the E he was obviously still on and starts eating dirt and grass while raising his arms to the heavens and calling towards the 3 people trying to obviously sleep on a trampoline, asking "Isn't it beautiful...?!!"

"No, ya fucking tweaker What would be beautiful is if you developed some sense of social context as opposed to this self-centered faux-gratitude and realized for once in your life that, believe it or not, your private, chemically altered experience doesn't translate to anybody else.
So shut up, turn off that shitty music...and wipe that dirt off your face you look ridiculous...

Then the Chupacabras showed up and saw me...
I won't get into the retaliation
that so perfectly fell into Xeno
and Calamity June's hands...
Call it the experiential version of
the law of averages...

So just before the sun rose I gave up leaving Wa and Jade to the