
Ok...much happened between
the preceding photo and this one.
About 4AM the snaggley finally disolves.
We hear there is a "Keg Party" back at Camp Camp. We get there
to find we were the keg party for everyone else had gone to sleep.
So there we drink alone.
Meanwhile Tom Clone (John) had won a bunch of beans**
at the Casino. He didn't want to lose them so in a chain of logic I
still can't fathom, he burries them in the sand back at the Tiki Bus.
We ponder this path of logic for quite some time
before giving up and wandering. Eventually we lose Tom. It's now nearly
dawn and we find ourselves at the Tiki Bus. A decision is made:
We must find those beans.
So Spork, in an inspired moment of "What would John do?" traces
the mental path John would take from the Casino to Camp Camp, stops,
...and finds the beans.
My level of respect climbs yet another notch.
We then replace them with small rocks, an enigmatic note about aliens
and a plastic dinoaur and reburry the bag.
Dawn. Only Dani and I are left and we head back to Camp. And there,
just sitting out on the ground behind their "secured" perimitor...
is the Chupacabra's megaphone.
So we steal it
and hide is under a hat in our camp.

Goodnight.... |