From: "Timothy Walker"
Cc: <All of our private emails here>
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2004 4:53 PM
Subject: News Flash! Important!

> Ladies and Gentlemen:
> According to my watch, it may very well be time to burn down the god damned mountain.
> http://www.AMBOY_2002/AMBOY2002_MAIN.htm
> The ripest date for me is July 31st, right smack dab in the middle of the desert Bunyip Mating Dance Season. Seeing how Shaft is particularly advanced in locating their nests, I feel we'd need his expertise in this, but if he is not available, we might be able to take those shitty, filthy little bags of poison out ourselves. We'll just need to carry in more gasoline.
> We shouldn't overlook this. They've been breeding out there unchecked for two years. If we don't do it now, there's a good chance that they'll burn down the god damned mountain before us.
> We've got to act fast. Who can help? Chime in with your available dates and weaponry. We'll need to assemble a massive inventory if we are going to do this right. Please feel free to invite any souls you deem strong enough to handle such a mission.
> Sincerely,
> Timothy P. Walker