If these two image pairs don't sum up our Burning Man experience then nothing will.

Saturday was pretty much a lazy ass day. I spent most of the day chasing down my badge for the Fire Conclave while Eno spent five hours with his feet in a tub of water. "Foot In A Bucket Camp" was born and I took some time to shoot some more villains for the GigBook, my ongoing book project of and for the citizens of Gigsville.

The night of the Burn was a special time. I got the honor of performing with some of the most talented fire artists around along with drummers from Mutaytor who then drew the masses to their stage as soon as the Man fell. There I got to see and perform with our friend Matty (the Mutaytor) and watch him realize some of his dream. Four years ago it was just him behind his kit playing for us villains. Now with Dr. Megavolt backing him up, there were thousands beyond my reach of vision. Then in the midst of it I caught Matty's eye and for that brief moment it was just him and I going "Would you look at THIS..."