Gigsville's 2005 Decompression
Saturday October 8 - 2005



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2005decom_0100 2005decom_0101
Ok...this will need some context...
You see, Playa Surfing® is not an intelligent activity.
It's done by people...well, like us...
Whoa coined the phrase, but the activity is essentially putting your car into gear and then climb on top of it.
And drink.

In all of these photos we are moving...
This is Whoa.
The afternoon was his fault.
What we didn't realize at the time was that this short jaunt was going to turn into an all afternoon activity.
This is Spork.
She's peeing.
She does this frequently.
2005decom_0107Dan show's up and joins the brigade. At some point he returns to camp for beer which we were burning through at an obscene rate....we don't do this activity for the conversation.
2005decom_0108 2005decom_0109
Dan's now returned with more beer and gets his vehicle running in tandem.
2005decom_0110 2005decom_0112
Spork then changes to the more pee-friendly side.
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When driving in tandem the only logical next step is to jump into the vehicle next to you.
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With that we leave Whoa to his own devices. This only lasts for a few minutes and he joins us.
The only problem with that is that it leaves his vehicle surfing without a driver.
So we continue to drink.
This has now gone on for about an hour and a half.
To solve the small problem of his car doing things like driving off at an annoying angle, he cuts the wheel in and it quite remarkably stays in a tight concentric circle.

We are running out of beer however.
Hour three.

(Note the angle of the shadow)
We then discover that we have three bottles of Boons Farm.
This is one of those sure signs that we're doing something right and we continue to drive in circles.
Ben arrives.
Ben's arrival always signifies a stockpile of gin.
This however is after three hours or so of drinking beer and Boons Farm and though I like gin, the sequence of this is (if I had my choice) not in the healthiest of orders. I switch to vodka just to be safe.