The 13th Annual Nurse Ball and Yodelling Extravaganza
Saturday January 22 - 2005

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2005-01-21-22kcbd0053 2005-01-21-22kcbd0054 2005-01-21-22kcbd0055 2005-01-21-22kcbd0056
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2005-01-21-22kcbd0062 2005-01-21-22kcbd0063 2005-01-21-22kcbd0066 2005-01-21-22kcbd0067
Then this French musician shows up out of nowhwere and plays a sad cha-cha.
The party stops and we all weep for 15 minutes
We then stop weeping for all the obvious reasons
2005-01-21-22kcbd0070 2005-01-21-22kcbd0071
Up until this point things were weird but this was the point at which things took a bad turn....
2005-01-21-22kcbd0073 2005-01-21-22kcbd0074 2005-01-21-22kcbd0076
2005-01-21-22kcbd0077 2005-01-21-22kcbd0078 2005-01-21-22kcbd0079
Wring the beer out of our dresses and return to Gigsville