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By this time the buses were gone and the Santa's were now on their own. XT took the helm.
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I'm not sure what this was about.
Mirrors play that sobering role on an event like this. You pass by one and then if you're foolish enough to look you have that moment of "You can't be serious... no... and look at your eyes..."
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I don't know who did this, but there was some perfectly good gravy mix in there along with some stomped Peeps. I made a small batch of gravy and gave it out. After 14 hours of continuous drinking you'd be amazed at how refreshing something like gravy can be.
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The return of the crimminal.
10PM and Little Bit was finally out of jail.
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Elf arrives...
About 11PM.
We realize that if we were wise we should probably make a break to leave.
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<enodriveby>On the way we see Ernesto who was entrenched in finishing a three month project that he had to finish in two weeks</enodriveby>
Abundant Sugar and Patrick's birthday
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